10am to 10 pm – 365 Days | orders@couriersfromindia.com | +917229958676 |  

10am to 10 pm – 365 Days | orders@courierstoindia.com | +917229958676

10am to 10 pm – 365 Days | orders@courierstoindia.com | +917229958676

Licenses & Registration

Couriers From India may be able to help you obtain the following licenses and/or registrations to ensure your shipment is compliant with local requirements in India. We have a panel of consultants that assist you with DGFT, Customs, DSC, Insurance and other Certificates.

Please see the following sections to understand how we may be able to help you streamline your compliance requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We charge an ‘introducer fee’ starting at USD 100.00 and hand over your requirements to the consultants. 


New importer Exporter code [IEC]  


Copper/Aluminium Application

Chips import Application Export House

EPCG for Manufacturer


ICEGATE Registration

AD code registration

IFSC registration

Ro DTEP application


LMPC Certificate

EPR Certificate


Specific Policy for Export and Import

Open Cove Policy

Empty container policy

ISO Tank policy

Bonded Warehouse customs policy

Fire policy


Class III – DGFT For 2 years

Class III – Individual For 2 years

Class III – Combo 2 years


APEDA Certificate

Spice Board Certificate


  • Asia India Free Trade Area (Form AI) (India, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos Philippines Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore ) Certificate 
  • Asia – Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) China.
  • Indian – Korea (IK)
  • South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Sa (Pakistan Karachi Nepal Bangladesh)
  • Indo-Sri Lankan Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA)
  • Comprehensive economic partnership agreement between the Republic of India and Japan (IJCEPA)
  • SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement (Sapta)
  • Global system of trade preference Certificate of Origin (GSTP) (Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia)
  • India Thailand free arrangement certificate of Origin (Form DTA)
  • Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin (Form A GSP) – Afghanistan Armenia Australia Bangladesh Belarus Bhutan Cambodia Canada Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Maldives Nepal New Zealand Norway Pakistan Russian Federation Sri Lanka Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States of America Uzbekistan 
  • Indian- UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IUCEPA) 
  • India – Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind – Aus ECTA)
  • India Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Preferential Tariff Treatment Certificate of Origin)


Maharashtra Chambers 

RCMC Certificates

  • Apparel export promotion Council (AEPC)
  • Basic Chemicals Cosmetics and Dies Export Promotion Council (Chemex)
  • Cashew Export Promotion Council (CEPC)
  • Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC)
  • Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO)
  • Pharmaceutical Export for Motion Council (PHAKMEXCIL)
  • Plastic export for promotion Council 
  • Sheller and Forest Product Export Promotion Council (SHEKEXIL)
  • AYUSH Export Promotion Council (AYUSHEXIL)

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